JULIA OUSCHATZ: below is flat up there

I visited the old Pimlico library. Julia Ouschatz's exhibition, this is a one off exhibition at the former Pimlico Library, Berlin-based artist Julia Oschatz will transform beyond recognition the rotund, multi-level space and take visitors on a journey deep into another reality. Isolated in this infinitely vast and inhospitable terrain, where the laws of physics are frequently turned on their head, an appreciation for the essence of being is heightened.

Ouschatz made the exhibition exciting using a mixture of video, painting and drawing these new works provide us with aerial shots akin to satellite imagery, which flatten and alienate us from an environment we thought we knew.

I found her performance art the most interesting, it seems to question humanity, all of her work seems to be quite alien and often shows a lone figure

her paintings and drawings mainly consist of aerial shots akin to satellite imagery, which flatten and alienate us from the intimacies of the features we see below.

The exhibition was set out in such a way that made the viewer feel small and lonely, surrounded by images of vast landscapes or one lone figure, the exhibition space was dark and somewhat unsettling, i felt that rather than simply viewing the artists work, I was being drawn into an experience.

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